You had a perfect software and you had to ruin it you have a defected bugged software.I used vlc for over 15 was perfect.why did you have to touch it and ruin it with the updates? Now the play bar is hidden below the windows taskbar how the. Next I will try to find a 4k/UHD skin, I could live with this workaround.Įdit: tried nightly build ( and fullscreem is working there. Oddly, I get proper fullscreen if I use skinned VLC, the issue then becomes everything is so tiny in my screen.
I tried resetting settings, re-instaling, playing with settings (VLC's, Windows's, Graphic Card's): no change. The workaround of hiding the taskbar is undesirable because there are always taskbar pixels shown (some with different color, such as active window and search-box-related). All led to the same result: almost fullscreen with taskbar at the bottom. I tried reaching fullscreen mode by pressing 'f', double-clicking video, and using menu. I do not know when the behavior started since I am a new user of VLC. Intel NUC (i7-7567U with 16 GB RAM and Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650), latest drivers/BIOS/firmware