pptx, etc.) won’t display the Print command needed in the context menu to make this shortcut work. Selecting multiple files of different file extensions (eg. How to Batch Print PDF Files Through Your Virtual Printerīefore we start, there are just a couple of things you should note about this shortcut:
We show you how to set it up step by step. This tip lets you use the virtual printer and Windows Explorer to kick-start the process. With Able2Extract, we’ve got a nifty little shortcut for Windows 10 that does away with even opening the application to generate or reprint your PDF.
Sure, the PDF creation feature makes turning your documents to PDFs easy with a single click, but if you need to create or reprint a number of PDFs, your job can easily grind to a halt.
Well, what if we could make the process even easier than that? Even more convenient is the ability to use the Print functionality of the application you’re using to create those PDFs directly or to reprint already existing PDFs. You simply open your file, add your security adjustments, and let the software do all the work. Creating PDFs with Able2Extract has always been a time saver.